stronger together



Six Week REset

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A supportive community for all levels looking for a healthy lifestyle.  Nicole, Ayla, John, and the other trainers have touched upon all facets of a healthy way of living with mental and physical strength to healthy AND easy foods.   The classes have brought people of all levels together into such a supportive environment that we lean on one another in and out of the classes making that community even stronger.


I’m so thankful that I’ve become part of the Empower community!  Nicole, Ayla and team are wonderfully supportive and caring about my journey to better fitness & wellness.  I am truly enjoying my remote workouts, focus on nutrition, 1:1 counseling sessions and the overall commitment to my progress.  They are happy to provide customized support for injuries or fitness levels and are always looking for constructive feedback and how they can make Empower Fitness the absolute best.  I’m looking forward to achieving my goals with this rock star team!  Thank you!!!!


Such an amazing team!! Great classes to choose from and due to some injuries, I have needed to have modified exercises.  No problem for this group!  I feel like my sessions are customized to my needs.
Thank you for helping me reach my goals!


Reset 2021