The view from my office

by | Jul 5, 2022 | 0 comments

I was busy working over the weekend and this was the view from my office at 4:45 am. I couldn’t help but get a little sentimental remembering that this was my first office at the age of seven.

I disliked any organized learning, and my parents were quick to realize that I needed another outlet for my education, so I started my first lobstering business at the age of seven with their help.

I learned about profit margins, hard work, and finding a work-life balance. I had to apply for a lobster license and organize lobster/ bait transportation without a driver’s license, all without the ability to be seen over a counter.

I was honing my business skills at a very young age. It was no surprise that I graduated early from Babson College with a degree in Entrepreneurial Professional Studies and Marketing and I have been starting my own businesses ever since. 

One of my favorite memories was convincing my parents to let me get free bait from Market Basket in Lexington. I figured it would not be a big deal to drive a bucket of bait down to Plymouth, Massachusetts (a one hour drive). 

Well, I convinced them, with a stipulation. The rule was that I had to sit in the back seat of the station wagon with the fish heads.There was a seat that was facing the back window in the trunk of the car.  I was going to save a few dollars on my largest variable expense! However, I did not take into account my lifelong struggle with motion sickness. That was the longest ride for everyone. I stopped counting how many times I left my breakfast, lunch and dinner on the side of Rt 128.  We all agreed that the struggle was not worth the cost savings.  

I did not appreciate being in the back seat of that car with bait, but I loved being in the boat lobstering with my dad. This was my first work experience as a young woman entrepreneur in the 70’s and, according to my dad, the sky was the limit. He was constantly teaching and I truly cherished those moments.

He was that type of teacher that made his students feel special and unique. I couldn’t sit still in the classroom, but I was a sponge on that boat. I had no idea there were limits for women in the business world. My dad never shared that with me. 

People always wonder where I found my confidence. I found it on the waters off of Plymouth, Massachusetts. Every idea I had was valued. Not every idea was great, but my dad would listen and we spent hours talking through the details. 

Working in Plymouth this weekend, in the same office that I had when I was seven, was very sentimental. I no longer have the best business teacher to talk about growth plans or marketing strategies, but he and his lessons were still there with me. 

Over the weekend I watched whales cresting the waters from my office. Being a sole business owner has its moments. I had times that felt like I was sitting in the back seat of that station wagon with bait, but 2022 as a businesswoman has felt like catching 20 lobsters in each trap every day. 

I was blessed with the perfect mentor for me. I felt him with me this weekend, especially when the whales popped into my office. He was making the sign of the cross reminding me that the sky’s the limit. 

To the Empower community, thank you for being on this journey with me. We have some exciting times ahead.


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