My weight loss story

by | Apr 26, 2021 | 0 comments

Second weigh in on my weight loss journey

Maintaining a nearly 40 pound weight loss in my 40’s during a pandemic isn’t easy. It requires refocusing many weeks, and balancing temptation. I worked hard last week, and I am down almost three pounds. Although this exceeded my goal of one pound a week, I was frustrated. Considering how difficult it was to change, I felt that I should have lost 15 pounds.  I had three small cheats all week and my no’s to temptation far outnumbered my yes’s. Do I have any regrets?  After looking back on my week, I can promise you that every piece of food I ate, and workout I endured, was worth that number.  I can not imagine a piece of food that is worth not feeling this great. As of today, I am a business owner, trainer, yoga instructor, mom, daughter, and wife.  I should be exhausted and yet I feel great. I will make my favorite recipes and be ready for the next week.

Meal plan and food from last week

Goals for next week

This week I will work for the next weigh-in and I will struggle with temptation.   I will argue with myself over the Cadbury Egg this Greek Easter.  I will struggle with Trader Joe’s down the street and their wonderful marketing campaign.  I can’t purchase any bad food from such a healthy establishment, so their chocolate bar with almonds can not be that bad.   With these warmer nights I will fantasize about eating a kiddie ice-cream cone from Kimball Farm. However, I understand that multiple small cheats are only bad habits. Eating clean is the only habit I want to embrace. I will focus on the weigh in on Wednesday with no distractions.

I don’t want to be afraid to see my doctor, because I am afraid of stepping on the scale. It is important for me to have a healthy relationship with the scale as another way to stay accountable. It took many years for me to get here, but it is so worth it.

Owner and Founder of Empower Fitness,

Nicole Kefalas


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